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Tips for Lockdown Writing

 My third novel is my ‘lockdown book.’ Many writers have at least one by now. I think most of us have found it quite challenging. We’re used to working from home, and the isolation it can bring, but authors can be sensitive creatures and many of us found that the general uncertainty and concern could sap creativity. On a more practical level, it’s also been a lot harder to research the background to a book. I’ve written about how to convey a sense of place when you can’t leave your house here.

But today I’d like to focus on another area of remote research: that of tapping into local expertise. As I’ve mentioned before (probably several times) my third novel is set on Channel Island Jersey. Before the pandemic struck, I had planned a leisurely week on the island, investigating its history and geography. Sadly, that wasn’t to be. I had to find another way to acquire the information I needed. For one particular scene, I wanted to find out what it was like to sail in Jersey waters. My sailing knowledge is confined to a youth club trip to the Norfolk Broads over forty years ago – and then I just pulled on a rope whenever someone told me to, with no idea of how the whole process worked. If I was to convince my readers that one of my characters was an expert sailor, I had to get some help. I contacted the St. Helier yacht club and two very helpful members came forward, generously offering me the kind of authentic detail I needed. I am very grateful to them.

Yesterday, as the manuscript was nearing completion, I suddenly decided I needed to convey a Devon man’s voice more convincingly.  A late-night email to a colleague who used to live in Exeter provided all the information I needed. Thank goodness for kind and generous people willing to drop everything to help.  (I’ve written an article about conveying accent in novels here.

It’s a great relief I don’t have to learn the rudiments of sailing or do a crash course on west country dialects. Using local experts is much more reliable!