Creative Writing Books I would Recommend


Four game changers

If I was asked to reduce all creative writing advice to one word, I would say ‘read.’ Read books in your chosen genre, read the books that are winning prizes or zooming to the top of the charts, read the classics, read what your friends are raving about.  Read for structure, for plot, for style, for characterisation, for vocabulary. There are so many benefits. And what could be nicer than curling up with a good book whilst improving your own writing at the same time?

So if you write fiction,  I would recommend you read fiction. However, there are also a few non fiction, creative writing textbooks on my bookshelf that have helped me a great deal. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Stephen King: On Writing

In fact I have two copies of this, given to me by kind friends who clearly thought I needed help when I was first starting this writing lark. Described as ‘Part memoir, part master class,’ ‘On Writing’ is partly an account of King’s own journey from a would-be writer to a world famous author, and partly an instruction manual for writers seeking advice on the craft. Both elements are fascinating. 

2. Jane Wenham-Jones: Wannabe a Writer?

This was the first creative writing book I ever read and I loved it (still do!). It’s full of common sense practical advice, tempered with Jane’s usual wit and flair. Brilliant (and really helpful too).

3. Andrew Cowan: The Art of Writing Fiction

This is a more academic, but still highly accessible, text taking you through the main elements of writing fiction from journal-keeping to editing, offering techniques for stimulating creativity and making language vivid. It deals with key aspects of fiction such as structure, character, voice and setting.

4. Jane Burroway: Writing Fiction

Moving from freewriting to final revision, the book addresses “showing not telling,” characterisation, dialogue, atmosphere, plot, imagery, and point of view. The examples and quotations throughout the book feature a wide and diverse range of today’s best and best-known creators of both novels and short stories.